Detectivi Particulari Bucuresti, Agentie Detectivi
Pentru orice detalii sau informatii, va stam la dispozitie la numerele de telefon:
0745 118 208 / 0769 538 389
The detectives of our agency have the following obligations:
To represent the interests of our clients, keeping also the privacy of the information obtained from the developed investigation
To keep the professional secret, all the dates being exclusively for our client, according to the laws in force
To provide specific investigation activities, at the request of physical or juridical persons, without damaging the rights of intimate life, the family or the private life, or of other citizen's rights and fundamental freedom.
To perform investigations regarding:
the behavior and the public morality of a person;
data in what concerns the solvency or the seriousness of a physical or a juridical person, a possible business partner.
Missing persons.
The goods that are the object of a civil or penal litigation
The assurance of protection against the loss of information that the economical agent wants to keep confident
To develop the activities according the intern or international legal agreements which Romania is part, the national security, the public order or the good customs
To refuse a case when the client asks illicit activities or action that are against the good customs, and inform the legal institution the gravity of the actions, the deeds and the discovered aspects, especially when is about the national security.
To provide the client efficiently the requested data, information and proofs.